Web Analytics

Visitor Map

The Oqtane framework has a Visitor Management capability which keeps track of visitors to your site. It records the IP Address of each visitor and maintains a record of when each visitor first visited the site, and when they last visited the site. The Web Analytics module extends this capability by tracking and displaying daily visitor activity for your site, as well as optionally translating IP Addresses to physical locations and displaying them on an interactive map.

Web Analytics

Visitor Map

In order to use the Visitor Map you must configure the settings:

API Key - An API Key must be obtained from IP Geolocation. IP Geolocation provides 30,000 API requests per month for free (1000 per day) which is sufficient for most sites. Please note that the Visitor Map is efficient and will not call the API if an IP Address has already been requested previously.

Map Key - A Map Key must be obtained from Bing Maps. Bing Maps provides 125,000 map impressions per year for free which is sufficient for most sites where the Visitor Map is only displayed to administrative users. If you want to display the Visitor Map on a public facing page of your site, you may need a paid subscription with Bing Maps.

Visitor Map Settings

Once the settings have been configured you will need to go to the Scheduled Jobs area of the Admin Dashboard and enable the Web Analytics Job. You can specify a frequency which matches your needs. The frequency will determine whether the visitor map displays "real-time" information or not. Note that real-time requires more processing which will consume more resources for your site. The default frequency is hourly.

Visitor Map Job